Tuesday, April 26, 2011


                                                          Penny is my oldest sweetie
                                            She thinks she is a pit bull.........she is oh so wrong
penny my sweeetie

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sweet Kids

 This little guy right here i have known since he was born.......he hates having his picture taken but when I can sneek one in of him they turn out wonerfully
 Again this is the little freind....only this time going by a shed
 Licking snow

Thursday, April 21, 2011

White Gull Inn

Need a place to eat that has fish? Good fish. Well I know of one really good restaurant, the White Gull Inn. I believe it is in fish creek if any of you are in the Green Bay-Door County area. It is a fish boil place that has very good food that is cook right in front of you. It makes for wonderful pictures, a great place to stay, and aminsing food. It is a good place to take childern because they love watching the flames flare up into the evening-night sky. I have been going to the fish boil since I was little, and even now I can honestly say it is really cool for all ages to watch. If you go I really hope you like it. 

<3 MK

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Turned Out Just Right

 This wind chime brings me back to my great grandfather's cottage on the lake
My beautifull church as the sun streams in

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Dogs

      These are my sweeties. The Large black one is Mila, and the small grey one is my old, snippy Penny(short for Penelope). These amazing little girls are my photography Ginnie pigs.i take them on some of my shoots, but these pictures here are just them, a special shoot taken just for them. Mila is a Korelian bear dog, and we rescued here from a shelter, the shelter had found her in an abandoned apartment complex near by when she was only three months old. Penny is a shiz-zu chiwahwa and we got her from Petco when she was a puppy. The faster of her owned 6 pit bulls....so she now believes she is one as well. Mila is 2 years old now and very hyper, and will answer commands not only
 in English but in Russian and Spanish as well. And my grumpy Penny will be 8 this june.
<3 mk

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunny Day

                                                                            sun sun sun
                                                                     clouded view
                         just over the clouds you may find a bueatiful world with laupghter and sunshine
one last glimps of light

Mila in the Snow

 mila my sweet baby
 mila exploring the small wonders of the world
                                                                    sitting in the snow
                                                                 wathcin the door
running through the snow

Saturday, April 9, 2011

attack of the flowers

I took this picture last year during spring break.The butterflies were very active and wanted to climb all over everyone.they were lovely,




Hello this is my photography blog.It contians many of my favorite photos that I have taken.I also contians links to other blogs and websites of photographers. As of now I am still setting things up,but there will be more to come within days.Thank you for your patiance. <3 Mk