As some of you may know, I am Byzantine Catholic. And today we celebrated a special feast, we even had all cars and bikes blessed. He is a great saint, and definitely one worthy of looking up. Here are some pictures that I took this morning when I went to church.
The light in the shadows. The icon on the wall is of Saints Constantine and Helena. One was an emperor and the other was his mother who was an empress. They led their people, and helped them find God.
"Oh joyful light of the holy glory, of the father immortal."
This little table is called a "tetrapod", it is Greek. Any ideas what it could mean? Well here is the literal translation. It means "four legged table."
This is called an iconostas (probably spelt wrong, and I apologize.) It opens to the altar.
Blurry I know, but I just really like this picture. This is Father Daniel, and he is incensing the icon of Christ.
The reading of the Gospel. In this you see the priest, an altar server, and the gospel bearer.
Father Dan saying a prayer before communion.
After communion, another blessing for God's people.
The begging of the blessing of the cars.
Still blessing.
Father Dan smiling after the blessing of cars and bikes.
"Remember me, oh Lord, when you come into your kingdom."